All the artwork featured on this website is the creative vision of Viktor Lajos, a multifaceted graphic designer whose portfolio serves as a visual blog. These carefully curated pieces represent a selection of his body of work, crafted over the years.

In examining his work, it becomes evident that inspiration is drawn from a diverse array of sources. Yet, beneath the varied subject matter lies a unified objective: to illuminate the marvels of existence and evoke a profound appreciation for the richness of life, as perceived through his viewfinder.

Lead Sheets
In addition to graphic design, he harbors a passion for music composition that has flourished since his formative years. Some of his songs, transcribed into musical notation, seamlessly intertwine with his visual expression, becoming entries in the visual blog. The lyrics combined with musical sketches, resembling simple musical scores, encapsulate the essence of each piece, inviting interpretation and orchestration in myriad forms by musicians who wield them.

For inquiries regarding potential collaborations in music, group exhibitions, or other creative endeavors, please feel free to reach out. He currently resides in Kecskemét, Hungary, but is open to collaboration opportunities worldwide.